Erin Bush

I'm just a girl, sitting in front of a computer, asking it to do what I tell it to.

I mostly write about my discoveries as a junior web developer and all the things I have read that are worth amplifying; mainly rails, javascript, general full stack, and anything diversity related. Professional keyboard masher/software developer at Thinkific.

  1. Static Methods for Javascript Classes 🎈

  2. TIL about NPM check updates

  3. Being Intentional With Git Commits

  4. Free Website Template 💰

  5. A Practical Guide for Making your Monolith Accessible

  6. npm link/unlink clarity 🤙

  7. TIL: The importance of importing a module...

  8. Useful Github Shortcuts 💅

  9. React Code Snippets✂️

  10. Tech Specks Week #6💧